So I will frequently intertwine posts like this one into my blog in order to comment on, mock, or just share Facebook statuses that catch my eye.
First victim: "CRABS!!!!!"
I love it when people lack specificity in their posts--it leaves a whole lot of room for those pervy double entendras! No, I'm not a perv, but my mind periodically falls in the gutter.
So, this person excited about eating crabs, or are they announcing to fb that they have just acquired a new, yet gross disease? LOL. One can never be too sure about the intention of those dam emoticons. An exclaimation mark can indicate excitement, shock, or anger! And the sad thing is that the latter interpretation wouldn't surprise me the least! People already share how frequently they break-up with so-and-so, what they do in bed, and how messed up their families are, so why not divulge the acquisition of sexually transmitted diseases?
But while the generalization doesn't shock me, I must admit that with this particular someone, the latter would surprise me, and therefore, I am almost positive this person was only eating a recently murdered sea creature. Isn't that a relief?!
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