Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Hypothetical Life as a Comedian

So I like to call my computer a hoe, and beat it like it's one, too. But then it broke, so I don't call it a hoe anymore. Instead, I call it a penis, cuz you know, they don't last long after you beat them either.
Haha I know. Worst joke ever--thats why I say "hypothetical" life as a comedian.
But for other news, I GOT THE INTERNSHIP!!!!! So I guess the embarrassment of an unbuttoned blouse pays off.

So I have no idea whether anyone actually reads the weird stuff I post. Blogger tells me I have five followers, but what is that really worth anyway? I have yet to receive any comments, yet I continue to write and repeatedly post insane blogs about nothingness. Well, maybe not nothingness, because they are my thoughts, despite how discombobulated they are.
So, is anyone out there?

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